
24 - S08E21 - 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.

While NYPD takes Cole into custody and turns him over to CTU, Jack peruses Dana's memory stick, which shows her meeting with Pavel to organize Hassan's assassination and the dirty-bomb plot but does not indicate who either of them is reporting to. After securing more help from Jim Ricker, he contacts Meredith Reed and offers to give the evidence to her. CTU intercepts the phone call and sets up an ambush using Pavel's team. Chloe takes note of Pillar's secretive actions, and she begins to suspect that he is involved with the conspirators. With Arlo's semi-willing assistance, she begins a private manhunt for Jack. Logan convinces President Taylor to publicly praise his involvement in the signing of the peace treaty. This backfires spectacularly when Jack uses Reed to lure the Russian assassins out into the open, capturing Pavel and killing the rest with the help of Ricker. Pillar urges Logan to back out and deny all involvement, but Logan decides to stay in the spotlight. Jack gives Dana's evidence to Reed and then attempts to get the answers out of Pavel by brutally torturing him; but, for once in Jack's life, his preferred interrogation methods do not have any impact. Finally it occurs to Jack that Pavel's cell phone might give him everything he needs. However, Pavel manages to drop his phone, dislodge its SIM card and swallow it during his captivity. Jack cuts him open to retrieve it, killing him in the process. Jack calls the most recent contact on the phone and is astonished to reach Charles Logan's voicemail.

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