
24 - S08E24 - 3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Chloe regains consciousness and persuades Jack not to shoot Suvarov as it would start a war, instead offering to help him publicize his evidence. Jack capitulates and formulates a plan in which she must shoot him as if he were attacking her. Pillar suspects her of complicity with Jack but cannot find the card on her. Jack, in order to delay Pillar a few seconds longer pretends to whisper something about the card, and as Pillar bends down to try to ascertain what Jack is muttering, Jack bites his ear off. Despite the creative diversion Cole and Chloe are arrested before they can upload the data on the card, which Logan later presents to President Taylor. He informs her that Jack will need to be done away with to ensure state security, and she allows him to set up a hit on Jack's ambulance convoy. Taylor then watches Jack's video to Kim, which engenders a change of heart in her; at the signing ceremony, she confesses her role in the cover-up. She also attempts to have Logan's ambush of Jack's medical convoy called off, but is unsuccessful. When Logan finds out that his involvement has been revealed, he shoots both Pillar and himself in the head. At CTU, Chloe takes charge again and locates Jack, who has been kidnapped by Logan's black ops team. Jack is just about to be executed when Taylor orders his assassins to stand down and get out. On the phone, she apologizes to Jack and explains to him that she will soon announce her resignation and will accept her punishment, whatever it may be. She advises him to flee the country as the Russians and Americans will both be after him. Jack, seen on the drone's camera monitor at CTU, thanks Chloe for having had his back all these years and makes her promise to protect Kim and her family. She does so and orders Arlo to cut the drone's video feed as Jack makes his escape. The final clock of the show counts down, instead of up, from four seconds to a series-concluding 00:00:00.

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