
24 - S08E02 - 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Jack agrees against his better judgment to be debriefed at CTU. Meanwhile, Dana discovers that Meredith Reed's computer was used to hack into the UN database and download incriminating files. Reed is apprehended and brought to CTU for questioning, but Chloe finds this discovery too easy, maintaining that Reed might be the victim of a frame; she further discovers video footage of an unknown man (Davros) entering and leaving Reed's apartment around the time of the hack. Hastings dismisses her claims, so Chloe turns to Jack, who agrees to get involved after Kim goes to CTU and gives him her blessing. He then tracks Davros to the home of NYPD policeman Jim Koernig (Joe Nieves), who knows Davros as "Mike Farmer", a fellow cop. Davros, in the meantime, gets in contact with the actual mole: Hassan's brother Farhad. Davros arrives at Koernig's home well before Jack and asks if he can trade for Jim's shift on U.N. Security detail. He attacks Koernig's wife (Sandra Purpuro) upon being denied his request.

24 - S08E01 - 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Victor Aruz (Benito Martinez) returns home to find that he is being targeted for assassination by a Russian operative named Davros (Doug Hutchison). He seeks help from Jack Bauer, interrupting Jack's decision to fly back to L.A. to live out a quiet life with Kim, her husband Stephen (Paul Wesley) and daughter Teri (Claire Geare). Aruz claims that President Hassan (Anil Kapoor) of the Islamic Republic of Kamistan, who is currently at the UN Building working on an arms treaty with President Taylor, is going to be assassinated soon; he and his confederates helped smuggle Davros into the country and are now being killed for that reason. Jack, despite support from CTU director Brian Hastings and Field Ops director Cole Ortiz (Freddie Prinze, Jr.), is unable to transport Aruz to custody before Davros kills him. Aruz tells Jack that the assassin has a mole close to Hassan, but can reveal nothing more before he dies. This mole is implied to be reporter Meredith Reed (Jennifer Westfeldt), who is having an affair with Hassan and causing tension between him and his brother and chief of staff, Farhad (Akbar Kurtha).


24 - S08E20 - 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

While Dalia Hassan speaks at the UN, Jack and Cole inflitrate and rescue Dana from the private safe house. She takes them to a bank where she has a joint account with Cole, and where she has a safe-deposit box containing her evidence. Charles Logan proposes to President Taylor that his aide Jason Pillar be sent to CTU to take over as head of manhunt for Bauer. Taylor agrees to this, while Logan meets with Novakovich and makes it clear that it is in Russian interests to have Jack stopped and requests that Novakovich deploy his nation's covert operatives to deal with Jack. Novakovich assigns Pavel to the hit, and Jason begins to feed Pavel information from inside CTU. Dana's safebox, in addition to a memory card, contains a suppressed pistol and a flashbang trap which incapacitates Cole; Dana calls NYPD and sets them on Jack before escaping on foot. Despite police interference, Jack resumes his pursuit of Dana. After a brief gun fight and chase, Jack corners Dana, collects the incriminating data, and, despite her pleas to cut a deal, executes her.

24 - S08E21 - 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.

While NYPD takes Cole into custody and turns him over to CTU, Jack peruses Dana's memory stick, which shows her meeting with Pavel to organize Hassan's assassination and the dirty-bomb plot but does not indicate who either of them is reporting to. After securing more help from Jim Ricker, he contacts Meredith Reed and offers to give the evidence to her. CTU intercepts the phone call and sets up an ambush using Pavel's team. Chloe takes note of Pillar's secretive actions, and she begins to suspect that he is involved with the conspirators. With Arlo's semi-willing assistance, she begins a private manhunt for Jack. Logan convinces President Taylor to publicly praise his involvement in the signing of the peace treaty. This backfires spectacularly when Jack uses Reed to lure the Russian assassins out into the open, capturing Pavel and killing the rest with the help of Ricker. Pillar urges Logan to back out and deny all involvement, but Logan decides to stay in the spotlight. Jack gives Dana's evidence to Reed and then attempts to get the answers out of Pavel by brutally torturing him; but, for once in Jack's life, his preferred interrogation methods do not have any impact. Finally it occurs to Jack that Pavel's cell phone might give him everything he needs. However, Pavel manages to drop his phone, dislodge its SIM card and swallow it during his captivity. Jack cuts him open to retrieve it, killing him in the process. Jack calls the most recent contact on the phone and is astonished to reach Charles Logan's voicemail.

24 - S08E22 - 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Meredith Reed, with Jack's evidence safely in hand, phones her editor Gary Klausner (Thomas Ryan) to arrange for publication of the evidence on the memory card. As per Logan's advice, President Taylor issues an executive order in an attempt to quash this story. Ricker locates Logan via his phone number and Secret Service's travel manifests - Logan is on his way to the airfield to meet the Russian President Yuri Suvarov (Nick Jameson). With this information Jack intercepts Logan's motorcade and kidnaps him, forcing him to reveal that Pavel was reporting to Novakovich. As the CTU tactical teams close in, Jack knocks Logan unconscious and escapes. Jack then storms Novakovich's office, killing him and most of his men. Chloe and Arlo manage to track down Jim Ricker; she secures Cole's release and sends him to Ricker's address in the hope of tracking down Jack. After Klausner tells Meredith that their office is being investigated by the FBI, she manages to contact Kayla Hassan and arrange a meeting with Dalia, but is shortly thereafter taken into custody by the FBI. Logan, after being discovered unconscious by the CTU tactical teams and Jason Pillar, phones Suvarov, who has just landed, and assures him despite his lack of information that the trail of evidence stopped at Novakovich, and that Suvarov, who actually gave the orders, will not be implicated. Jack, however, planted a bug on Logan during their earlier altercation and overhears this conversation. Despite a serious wound taken in the fight against Novakovich's men, he sets off with revenge in mind.

24 - S08E23 - 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Cole Ortiz, on the orders of CTU Director Chloe O'Brian, locates Jim Ricker and persuades him to comply in the ongoing search for Jack Bauer. Logan informs President Taylor that Suvarov was complicit in Hassan's assassination, shaking Taylor's resolve further. Jack kidnaps Pillar and uses him to sneak inside the UN; after getting some field sutures from him, he attempts to execute Pillar, but has a change of heart and simply leaves him unconscious and locked in the trunk of his car. Allison Taylor goes to Dalia Hassan and confesses the entire story; Dalia refuses to sign the peace agreement in light of the possible Russian involvement in her husband's death, but a thunderous Taylor blackmails her by threatening to use Samir's failed bomb attack as a pretense for war. Jack sets up a sniper position in a building across from the UN in anticipation of Suvarov's arrival and then records a video message to Kim, telling his side of the story. Here Chloe finds him and begs him to stand down, but he incapacitates her with a sleeper hold. Jack then places the cross-hairs on Charles Logan and forces him to lure Suvarov within range of Jack's shot.

24 - S08E24 - 3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Chloe regains consciousness and persuades Jack not to shoot Suvarov as it would start a war, instead offering to help him publicize his evidence. Jack capitulates and formulates a plan in which she must shoot him as if he were attacking her. Pillar suspects her of complicity with Jack but cannot find the card on her. Jack, in order to delay Pillar a few seconds longer pretends to whisper something about the card, and as Pillar bends down to try to ascertain what Jack is muttering, Jack bites his ear off. Despite the creative diversion Cole and Chloe are arrested before they can upload the data on the card, which Logan later presents to President Taylor. He informs her that Jack will need to be done away with to ensure state security, and she allows him to set up a hit on Jack's ambulance convoy. Taylor then watches Jack's video to Kim, which engenders a change of heart in her; at the signing ceremony, she confesses her role in the cover-up. She also attempts to have Logan's ambush of Jack's medical convoy called off, but is unsuccessful. When Logan finds out that his involvement has been revealed, he shoots both Pillar and himself in the head. At CTU, Chloe takes charge again and locates Jack, who has been kidnapped by Logan's black ops team. Jack is just about to be executed when Taylor orders his assassins to stand down and get out. On the phone, she apologizes to Jack and explains to him that she will soon announce her resignation and will accept her punishment, whatever it may be. She advises him to flee the country as the Russians and Americans will both be after him. Jack, seen on the drone's camera monitor at CTU, thanks Chloe for having had his back all these years and makes her promise to protect Kim and her family. She does so and orders Arlo to cut the drone's video feed as Jack makes his escape. The final clock of the show counts down, instead of up, from four seconds to a series-concluding 00:00:00.


Chuck - S02E17 - Chuck Versus the Predator

Chuck reluctantly tells his handlers that he has been contacted by Orion, the mastermind behind the Intersect computer and the person who can erase the Intersect from his brain. When the team goes to retrieve the computer Orion sent to Chuck, they run into a Fulcrum agent named Vincent (Arnold Vosloo). After Orion's computer is brought back successfully, General Beckman arrives in person to oversee the operation to locate Orion. At Orion's urging, Chuck goes to meet him but is forced to betray him to Fulcrum by Vincent. After seeing a Predator drone destroy a Fulcrum helicopter, Chuck is upset that Orion had apparently killed himself. Back at home, Chuck receives the schematics of the Intersect from Orion. Meanwhile, a conflict breaks out between the Burbank and Beverly Hills Buy More branches.

Chuck - S02E16 - Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon

Cole escapes after being tortured by Fulcrum and returns to Castle. Sarah and Casey are assigned to hunt down a scientist code-named Perseus, who is the mastermind behind Fulcrum's plans to build their own Intersect. They fail to retrieve Perseus but escape Fulcrum's capture after a less-than-graceful rescue by Chuck and Cole. After locating the lab of Perseus, Chuck learns that a man code-named Orion is the designer of the Intersect and headed the entire Intersect project. Sarah wrestles with her feelings for Cole and Chuck, ultimately choosing Chuck. Morgan tries to talk Anna out of moving in with him after previously agreeing to move in with Chuck, but later decides that living with Anna is what he truly wants.

Chuck - S02E15 - Chuck Versus the Beefcake

The team is ordered to retrieve Fulcrum intelligence hidden in a belt buckle that is in the possession of an agent named Cole Barker (Jonathan Cake), who they code-named Beefcake. Upon capture, Cole is revealed to be an undercover MI6 agent. Though broken up with Sarah, Chuck becomes jealous after noting Sarah's interest in Cole. Chuck, Cole and Sarah are captured by Fulcrum when they attempt to use Cole to lure Fulcrum. They are threatened with torture before being rescued by Casey and a tactical squad. Meanwhile, Lester and Jeff's search for a new Buy More employee turns into a search for the "Buy More Babe". Morgan's reluctance to live with his mother while she is in a relationship with Big Mike leads to Chuck and Morgan deciding to move in together. However, after Cole is captured again by Fulcrum, Chuck is placed under 24-hour surveillance and has to move in with Sarah.

Chuck - S02E13 - Chuck Versus the Suburbs

General Beckman sends Chuck, Sarah and Casey to an L.A. suburb on an undercover mission, with Chuck and Sarah posing as a married couple. Meanwhile, Big Mike is introduced to internet dating by Morgan, Lester and Jeff at the Buy More. To Morgan's dismay, Big Mike's internet date turns out to be his mother. After accidentally obtaining a part of Fulcrum's Intersect data, Chuck discovers that the suburban development is a front for Fulcrum. The team is captured by their neighbors including Brad (Andy Richter) and Sylvia (Jenny McCarthy), who turn out to be Fulcrum agents. As a test, the Fulcrum agents upload their entire Intersect to Chuck's brain. Casey escapes and incapacitates the Fulcrum agents, saving Chuck and Sarah.


Chuck - S02E14 - Chuck Versus the Best Friend

When Chuck flashes on Anna's new boyfriend, Chuck is ordered to befriend Jason to determine the extent of his connections with the Triad. After Morgan is caught snooping around, Chuck must convince the Triad that Morgan is not a threat, just a loser stalking Anna. Morgan, not knowing how close to death he just came is hurt by Chuck's actions. Chuck foils a plot to kill the Chinese ambassador and Anna and Morgan reconcile.

Chuck - S02E12 - Chuck Versus the Third Dimension

When Chuck foils a plan to kill international rock star Tyler Martin (Dominic Monaghan), the agents kidnap the musician to find out who wants him dead. Later, Tyler convinces Chuck to go out on the town, which only leads to a night of trouble. Meanwhile, Morgan wins a pair of backstage passes to Tyler's show and holds a contest among his fellow employees, including Big Mike's old football friend Jimmy (Jerome Bettis), to see who gets to be his lucky plus one. The episode is full of references to the 1994 film The Shawshank Redemption. This episode also references The Thomas Crown Affair and Arrested Development with the line "No Touching!" and liberal use of Europe's song "The Final Countdown". The IG-88 hand grenade in the episode is also an obscure reference to a sentient droid bounty hunter from the Star Wars extended universe.

Chuck - S02E11 - Chuck Versus the Santa Claus

Christmas Eve does not go as planned when an amateur criminal on the run from the police crashes into the Buy More and takes Chuck, Ellie, Devon and the rest of the Buy More gang hostage. In order to protect Chuck’s cover and the safety of the other hostages, Sarah and Casey secretly go in to the store to remove Chuck, but the mission quickly falls apart when Chuck refuses to leave his friends and family behind. Michael Rooker and Reginald VelJohnson guest star.

Chuck - S02E10 - Chuck Versus the DeLorean

Chuck spies on Sarah and sees her on a date with an older man (Gary Cole). Chuck frantically tries to warn Sarah after he has an Intersect flash, but she assures Chuck that she is not in danger and later reveals the identity of the mystery man as being her father. Meanwhile, Anna wants to move into an apartment with Morgan forcing him to finally act like an adult. Devon offers to help Morgan pay for the apartment, but Morgan loses focus on his new grown-up responsibilities by purchasing a 1981 DeLorean.

Chuck - S02E09 - Chuck Versus the Sensei

Chuck is still reeling from the discovery that his ex-girlfriend Jill was a Fulcrum agent and goes on a mission to take his mind off of his shock. Casey gets a shock of his own when he finds out that his sensei Ty Bennett (Carl Lumbly), who taught him everything he knows, is now one of the most wanted rogue agents. While on the search for Bennett, it becomes clear that Casey may be too emotionally involved to continue with the mission. Meanwhile, Devon's parents Honey (Morgan Fairchild) and Woody (Bruce Boxleitner) make a surprise visit to help Ellie and Devon plan their wedding. At the Buy More, Emmett reinstates the employee of the month contest, but Morgan, Jeff and Lester have other plans.

Chuck - S02E08 - Chuck Versus the Gravitron

Chuck, Sarah and Casey are shocked to discover that Chuck's girlfriend Jill is a Fulcrum agent in search of the Intersect. In the wake of his disbelief, Chuck is asked to use his relationship with Jill to get to an agent called Leader. He willingly agrees to bring down the woman who betrayed him twice. Meanwhile, Devon's parents are coming for Thanksgiving and Ellie is determined to have the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. To make sure everything goes smoothly, she tells Morgan that he cannot come to dinner this year. Without any holiday plans to fall back on, Morgan is recruited by Big Mike to stand guard at the Buy More with Lester and Jeff.

Chuck - S02E07 - Chuck Versus the Fat Lady

Chuck and Jill are enjoying the honeymoon stage of their rekindled relationship. However, Chuck's spy life intervenes when Casey and Sarah inform Chuck that he is needed for an immediate mission to recover a list of CIA Fulcrum agents that Guy LaFleur had apparently hidden in his hotel room before being murdered. Jealousy erupts when Jill finally meets Sarah and learns that Chuck and his handler must pose as a couple, especially when she learns that Sarah is posing as a seductively-dressed escort for the mission. Chuck does his best to reassure Jill that his relationship with Sarah is purely business but only finds himself in more trouble when Jill finds Chuck and Sarah in their hotel room in their underwear after trying to wash off a suspected bioweapon. The team recovers a music box in LaFleur's room, which leads them to the opera, where they recover an encrypted flash drive with the Fulcrum list. Chuck and Jill leave for a romantic getaway, during which Jill is kidnapped by Fulcrum and held hostage in exchange for the Fulcrum list. Chuck agrees to the exchange, but first makes a copy of the list with Morgan's Canadian copying device (designed to copy video games, but apparently able to copy anything). Chuck and Jill embark on another romantic getaway, during which Sarah and Casey discover from the recovered list that Jill is Fulcrum herself. Meanwhile, corporate efficiency expert Emmett is out to get Chuck and interrogates Morgan to get some dirt on his best friend. Morgan blackmails Emmett with footage of Emmett's drunken stupor.

Chuck - S02E06 - Chuck Versus the Ex

Chuck runs into his ex-girlfriend Jill Roberts (Jordana Brewster) while on a Nerd Herd call. In an attempt to save face, he lies to the girl who broke his heart and tells her that he is more successful than he really is. When Chuck flashes on Jill’s boss—a research scientist who may have developed a deadly bio-weapon, he, Sarah and Casey must find out if Jill is involved. Meanwhile at the Buy More, Big Mike nearly chokes to death, which leads company efficiency expert Emmett to implement a mandatory CPR course taught by Devon.

Chuck - S02E05 - Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer

Life in espionage takes its toll on Chuck and everyone is taking notice. Chuck tries to explain his unusual behavior to Ellie and to the quirky Buy More efficiency expert Emmett Milbarge (Tony Hale), but a new assignment only complicates things. After a global terrorist comes searching for Jeff, Chuck is forced to socialize with Jeff in order to find out what role the oddball plays in the mission. Sarah, Casey, and Chuck are all shocked when they discover that the fate of the world and the prevention of World War III rest in Jeff's hands and his ability to play the video game Missile Command, of which Jeff is the reigning World Champion. The designer of Missile Command is found to have also forayed into the command of actual missiles, and he had hid the launch codes to actual missiles within the video game. Chuck convinces Jeff to play an exhibition of Missile Command at the Buy More; however, when Jeff collapses under the pressure, Chuck is forced to play in his stead. Casey is ordered by General Beckman to launch an ICBM to destroy the satellite carrying the terrorist-controlled missiles, while Sarah drives to the TV station from which the terrorists are controlling the missiles. Chuck flashes and learns that Rush's song "Tom Sawyer" is the key to beating Missile Command. After finishing the game and recovering the launch codes, he phones Sarah with the information and the terrorist missiles are stopped. Chuck receives his degree from Stanford after Sarah and Casey use his field experience to supply the remaining needed credits.

Chuck - S02E04 - Chuck Versus the Cougars

Chuck learns more about Sarah’s past when they run into her old high school nemesis Heather Chandler (Nicole Richie). Sarah’s teenage insecurities come to surface and she tries to avoid Heather at all costs. Chuck, on the other hand, does everything he can to hear more about Sarah’s hidden life. When Heather’s nerdy husband Mark (Ben Savage) turns out to be a key player in a new mission, the agents must attend Sarah’s high school reunion to prevent the sale of potentially dangerous super-bomber plans – all the action ends with the ultimate cat fight. Meanwhile, Big Mike leaves town for a day and Buy More’s new assistant manager Lester decides to implement a new sales policy.

Chuck - S02E03 - Chuck Versus the Break-Up

Chuck is overcome with jealousy when his nemesis Bryce Larkin, Sarah’s ex-lover and partner, makes an unexpected return. Chuck and Sarah’s growing feelings for each other are tested when their latest mission requires Sarah and Bryce to pose as an extremely affectionate couple. Meanwhile, Morgan faces his own challenge at Buy More when he must deal with a gang of bullies, the Mighty Jocks. Led by Mitt (Michael Strahan), these bullies are the employees of a neighboring sporting goods store, and they love to take over Buy More's home theater room to play sports video games.

Chuck - S02E02 - Chuck Versus the Seduction

Chuck must go undercover to retrieve the Cipher from Sasha Banachek (Melinda Clarke), known as the Black Widow. But in order to get close to his target, Chuck must learn the art of seduction from the legendary debonair spy Roan Montgomery (John Larroquette). Unfortunately for Chuck, Sarah, and Casey, Roan is no longer the world's greatest spy. Meanwhile, Morgan offers Devon some advice for a romantic night with Ellie, and Lester struggles to gain respect at Buy More as the new assistant manager.

Chuck - S02E01 - Chuck Versus the First Date

Chuck prevents Colt (Michael Clarke Duncan) from obtaining the Cipher – a device that would ultimately lead to a new Intersect. Chuck is told that this successful mission marks the end of his espionage career and the beginning of a normal life. Free from bullets and bombs, Chuck finally asks Sarah out on a real first date. But Chuck's role as the old Intersect is not good news for everyone as Casey deals with a difficult order assigned to him – that Chuck must be terminated when the new intersect is activated. Meanwhile, at Buy More, Morgan develops an eccentric way to hire a new assistant manager. In the end of the episode, the Cipher is revealed to be implanted with a virus by Fulcrum, and exploded when activated. CIA Director Langston Graham was killed in this explosion.

Chuck - S01E13 - Chuck Versus the Marlin

As Devon deliberates on how he should propose to Ellie, he asks Chuck to hold on to the engagement ring. Chuck locks it in his Buy More locker but returns the next day to discover everything had been stolen from the store, including the ring. Meanwhile, Casey and Sarah find out that the someone has been spying on them in hopes of discovering "the Intersect" and that they had hidden the receiver in Big Mike's large plastic marlin. With Chuck's identity and life on the line, the CIA and NSA decide to have Chuck relocated to a permanent holding cell.

Chuck - S01E12 - Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover

Chuck discovers that many Russian arms dealers are secretly meeting in Los Angeles. One particular Russian woman, Ilsa Trinchina, (Ivana Milicevic), catches his attention, and he flashes on her as being Casey's ex-girlfriend. Chuck grows very intrigued and begins to pester Casey about their history. After learning this woman is set to marry one of the Russian arms dealers, Chuck insists that Casey fights for his woman. Meanwhile, Devon and Ellie reach a tough point in their relationship. Much of this episode contains references and parallels to Casablanca.

Chuck - S01E11 - Chuck Versus the Crown Vic

Chuck assumes the cover of Sarah's boyfriend on a mission to foil Lon Kirk (Michael Wiseman), a politically connected counterfeiter and yachtsman. When Sarah's mission on Kirk's yacht goes awry due to Chuck's insistence that Kirk is hiding money-counterfeiting printing-plates on his yacht, both Casey and Sarah suspects that Chuck is acting out of jealousy, which Chuck denies. Chuck later realizes that Kirk had hid the plates on the Taiwanese attache's boat and that he plans to blow up the boat to destroy the evidence and everyone on it, including Morgan and Anna. With Sarah and Casey's help, Chuck stops the boat from being blown up by redirecting the missile to target Casey's prized Crown Victoria instead. Chuck and Sarah reconcile at the annual Buy More holiday party.

Chuck - S01E10 - Chuck Versus the Nemesis

It's Thanksgiving and Chuck's nemesis, Bryce Larkin, returns after being thought dead earlier. Bryce needs Chuck to help prove to Sarah, Casey and the rest of the CIA that he is not a rogue agent. Upon seeing Bryce and Sarah back together, former partners and lovers, Chuck becomes jealous and doubts any future with Sarah. Meanwhile, Buy More is prepping for the biggest shopping day of the year and Morgan is left in charge.


Chuck - S01E09 - Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami

Chuck starts dating Lou, a sandwich-maker, and things seem to be going really well, which incites some jealousy on behalf of Sarah, who discovers that her feelings for Chuck are more than just a cover. Things get complicated when Lou is discovered to be part of a smuggling group; although she believed it was smuggling only deli meats, such as imported hard salamis, when they also smuggled weapons. Chuck and Sarah have to defuse a bomb, fail and, expecting to die in the detonation, the pair share a passionate kiss as the timer runs out. They share an awkward moment when the "bomb" turns out to be something else entirely. Chuck leaves Lou and tries to start a genuine relationship with Sarah; however, Sarah finds out that her former lover Bryce Larkin is still alive. Meanwhile, Morgan starts developing a new relationship with Anna, another employee at Buy More.

Chuck - S01E08 - Chuck Versus the Truth

Chuck battles with his cover love life and real love life when he meets a girl named Lou (Rachel Bilson), who seems interested in the real Chuck. On the other hand, his relationship with Sarah heats up as they go on a double date with Ellie and Devon and try to explain their sex life. Meanwhile, a poison specialist (Kevin Weisman) is trying to obtain codes to nuclear facilities and is using a "truth" poison to help get his answers. After all are exposed to the truth, Chuck soon discovers a lot about his partners.

Chuck - S01E07 - Chuck Versus the Alma Mater

Chuck has to return to Stanford University, his Alma Mater from which he was unceremoniously expelled, on homecoming weekend to help a former professor, who, as Chuck finds out, is also a government operative being hunted for a sensitive top-secret file. Chuck must use his past experiences to find the Professor's hidden secret, while also discovering shocking secrets about his own life. More importantly, Chuck discovers the truth about his former friend Bryce Larkin and why Bryce had Chuck kicked out of Stanford. Meanwhile, Morgan has problems with the new assistant manager at Buy More.

Chuck - S01E06 - Chuck Versus the Sandworm

Chuck accidentally runs into a runaway government agent named Laszlo (Jonathan Sadowski) who turns out to be a gadget whiz and whose brain makes him a national security asset and a dangerous liability, much like Chuck. Chuck decides to help him escape his handlers but reconsiders when he discovers that Laszlo wants to exact his revenge on the government. Chuck helps Sarah and Casey to track down Laszlo but misses his interview for the assistant manager position in the process. Meanwhile, Morgan feels that Chuck is neglecting their childhood and friendship. They reconcile and wear a two-man Sandworm costume (based on the creature from the Dune novels) to the Halloween party.

Chuck - S01E05 - Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp

When Chuck sabotages the mission of a Chinese spy, Mei-Ling Cho, (Gwendoline Yeo) who is trying to save her kidnapped brother, Sarah and Casey refuse to help him fix his mistake. However, the spy forces Chuck to help her get him back, on the condition that she defects from her spy organization. Meanwhile, Morgan is caught in a dilemma of his own when Buy More forces him into a sales competition that could cost him his job, only later to find out it was a ploy to make the sales team work harder. Chuck is frustrated that he cannot tell his sister the truth about his spy life.


Chuck - S01E04 - Chuck Versus the Wookiee

When a diamond hidden in Malibu, owned by a hairy man whom Chuck calls "señor wookiee", is used to fund terrorists, Chuck has to help steal it back. Complicating things further is the appearance of Carina (Mini Anden), a DEA agent friend of Sarah's, who tries to help in her own way.

Chuck - S01E03 - Chuck Versus the Tango

Through the use of the Intersect now stored in his brain, Chuck discovers that an arms dealer known only as "La Ciudad," whose appearance is unknown, will be present at an art auction. Chuck is forced to infiltrate the party with Sarah to try and identify La Ciudad. While Casey and Sarah are preoccupied by MI6 agents, Chuck ends up dancing the tango with a seductive Latin woman, Malena (Lorena Bernal), who turns out to be La Ciudad.

Chuck - S01E02 - Chuck Versus the Helicopter

When a doctor who is brought in to recover the data from Chuck's mind is killed, Casey and Sarah turn against each other. Chuck eventually believes Sarah to be the killer, which causes a tense situation when the two of them attend a dinner hosted by his sister. It turns out that the doctor faked his death and kidnaps Sarah in order to force her to tell him where Chuck is because he wants to sell the secrets. While trying to rescue her, Chuck is captured. After a struggle inside a helicopter, Chuck finds himself forced to pilot the vehicle to safety.

Chuck - S01E01 - Chuck Versus the Intersect

Chuck receives an email from Bryce Larkin (Matthew Bomer), an old roommate and friend who is now a rogue government agent. The email contains all the government secrets once contained within a computer called the Intersect, which are then downloaded into his brain. Upon discovering that the data on the Intersect had been sent to Chuck, the CIA and the NSA send their agents Sarah Walker and John Casey to retrieve the data.

Dexter - S02E12 - The British Invasion

Lila finds Doakes imprisoned in the cabin, and realizes that Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher. She ignores his pleas for help, and kills Doakes by setting the cabin on fire. Doakes is found dead, and because the evidence of the Bay Harbor Butcher killings indicates him as the criminal, the case is closed. Debra and Lundy try to resolve their relationship problems and Dexter reconciles with Rita. When Lila threatens Rita's children, Dexter realizes that he needs to find a solution to Lila's obsession with him. After Lila attempts to kill him, Dexter follows her to Paris and kills her.

Dexter - S02E11 - Left Turn Ahead

Dexter contemplates admitting to the Bay Harbor Butcher killings. Doakes escapes from his cell but runs afoul of two drug smugglers. The FBI is displeased with the lack of progress in the Bay Harbor Butcher case and assigns a deputy director to take over Lundy's role in the investigation. Angel is arrested for the sexual assault of Lila, who offers to drop the charges if Dexter will resume their relationship. Debra investigates Lila's past and discovers that she is an illegal immigrant. Meanwhile, using Dexter's satellite navigation system, Lila discovers the cabin in the swamp, where Doakes is being held.

Dexter - S02E10 - There's Something About Harry

After their latest confrontation, Dexter imprisons Doakes in a cabin hidden in the Florida Everglades, but is unsure of what to do next. Doakes reveals information that leads Dexter to a surprising discovery about his foster father's death. The FBI continues the search for Doakes, while LaGuerta tries to prove his innocence. As the investigation comes to a close, Debra realizes that Lundy will leave Miami at the end of the investigation. She confronts him about the future of their relationship. Rita and Dexter reconcile and visit the beach together, while Lila plans to frame Angel for raping her.

Dexter - S02E09 - Resistance Is Futile

Under constant surveillance by federal agents, Dexter is unable to dispose of his latest victim's remains. He apologizes to Rita, admitting that his affair with Lila was a mistake, but she is still hesitant to forgive him, as Lila retaliates by pursuing Angel. After finding Dexter's collection of blood slides, Doakes seeks the advice of an old friend in Haiti to analyze them. The department begins to suspect Doakes' involvement in the Bay Harbor Butcher case, but cannot find him for questions. Debra and Lundy spend the night together and contemplate making their relationship public.

Dexter - S02E08 - Morning Comes

A desperate Lila sets her loft on fire in an effort to sustain her relationship with Dexter, but Dexter realizes that Lila is lying when she claims it was an accident. Jimenez visits Dexter and the suspicious Doakes breaks into Dexter's apartment and finds the hidden collection of blood slides. Lundy re-examines all of the department's old cases when he suspects that the Bay Harbor Butcher has a history in law enforcement. Rita tells Dexter that he is no longer welcome to visit her house or her children.

Dexter - S02E07 - That Night, a Forest Grew

A written manifesto sent by the Bay Harbor Butcher to a local newspaper sends Lundy's special task force into chaos. Doakes almost discovers the truth about Dexter's past, which forces Dexter to devise a plan to get him suspended from the police force. During a romantic dinner with Dexter, Lila learns that Dexter plans to attend one of Cody's school events where he will see Rita, and becomes jealous. Rita stands up to her mother and compels her to move out of the house. Debra breaks up with Gabriel and decides to pursue a relationship with Lundy, not knowing if her feelings are reciprocated.

Dexter - S02E06 - Dex, Lies, and Videotape

After learning that he was filmed while cleaning his boat at the marina, Dexter becomes desperate and tries to delete the videofile, which he eventually manages to do before computer upgrades enable its viewing by his colleagues. A mock killer mimics, and claims to be inspired by, the Bay Harbor Butcher, and unless the police find him, the FBI may take over the case completely. After learning about his mother's secret relationship with his foster father, Dexter questions Harry's motives about his own adoption. At Rita's mother suggestion, Dexter brings Lila to dinner, and when Rita finds out that Lila accompanied Dexter on his road trip, Rita breaks up with him. Dexter and Lila leave together and have sex later.

Dexter - S02E05 - The Dark Defender

Dexter discovers that one of the men who murdered his mother in front of him as a boy is still alive. He dreams that a comic-book hero based on the Bay Harbor Butcher saves his mother, and is encouraged by Lila to seek closure by confronting his mother's killer, Santos Jimenez (Tony Amendola). Doakes and LaGuerta investigate a homicide in a comic-book store, and reminisce about their days as partners. Rita's mother warns Dexter to leave Rita and her children alone. Debra begins to lose faith in her relationship with Gabriel, suspecting that he is taking advantage of her.

Dexter - S02E04 - See-Through

Dexter begins to question Lila's suitability as his sponsor, and Rita encourages him to find a male one. Rita's visiting mother, Gail (JoBeth Williams), becomes sure that Dexter is hiding something from the family. Cody starts having nightmares about the Bay Harbor Butcher. When Vince announces that he has found a way to identify the marina where the Bay Harbor Butcher moors his boat, Dexter attempts to destroy some of the evidence. Debra starts dating Gabriel (Dave Baez), who she met at the gym, and LaGuerta returns to her job as lieutenant.

Dexter - S02E03 - An Inconvenient Lie

Rita threatens to leave Dexter if he does not commit to a program to deal with his drug addiction. He starts attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings, while still trying to evade Doakes' constant surveillance. At the meeting, Dexter meets a mysterious and flirtatious woman named Lila (Jaime Murray), who volunteers to be his sponsor. Later, he hunts down a new victim, Roger Hicks (Don McManus), a used-car salesman who murders beautiful brunettes. Lundy invites Debra to join the new task force investigating the Bay Harbor Butcher, and soon discovers a pattern to the murders.

Dexter - S02E02 - Waiting to Exhale

The Miami Metro Police Department, led by FBI Special Agent Frank Lundy, begins the hunt for the "Bay Harbor Butcher". Both Dexter and the police are hunting for Little Chino, and Dexter is determined to kill him properly given a second chance. Debra and Dexter struggle to overcome memories of the encounter with Brian that led to his death. After Paul's funeral, Rita confronts Dexter about his involvement in Paul's death, and he admits to having an addiction, which Rita infers to be to drugs. LaGuerta and her new boss, Lieutenant Esmee Pascal (Judith Scott) are not getting along very well.

Dexter - S02E01 - It's Alive!

A suspicious Doakes follows Dexter at all times, which makes it impossible for Dexter to kill. Thirty-eight days after his last kill, Dexter gains an opportunity, but finds himself unable to murder gang leader Little Chino (Matthew Willig). An emotionally unstable Debra returns to work in the Homicide Department. She tries to resume a normal lifestyle, but finds herself under scrutiny from the public. Paul tries to convince Rita that he was framed by Dexter, but she refuses to believe him in spite of the evidence presented to her. Scuba divers discover the bodies of at least 30 of Dexter's mutilated victims on the ocean floor.

Two and a Half Men

Two and a Half Men is an American television comedy series which premiered on CBS on September 22, 2003. The sitcom stars Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones. The show is about a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie; his uptight brother, Alan; and Alan's growing son, Jake. Charlie's free-wheeling life is complicated and altered when his brother gets divorced and moves, along with his son, into Charlie's beach-front house. CBS renewed the show for an additional two seasons. The show is consistently ranked one of the most watched comedies every season in the United States.

Season 1:            Season 2:            Season 3:            Season 4:            Season 5:            Season 6:
Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01
Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02
Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03
Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04
Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05
Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06
Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07
Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08
Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09
Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10
Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11
Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12
Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13
Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14
Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15
Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16
Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17
Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18
Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19
Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           (None)                 Episode 20
Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21           (None)                 Episode 21
Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22           (None)                 Episode 22
Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23           (None)                 Episode 23
Episode 24           Episode 24           Episode 24           Episode 24           (None)                 Episode 24

Season 7:            Season 8:
Episode 01           Episode 01 
Episode 02           Episode 02   
Episode 03           Episode 03  
Episode 04           Episode 04       
Episode 05           Episode 05         
Episode 06           Episode 06     
Episode 07           Episode 07       
Episode 08           Episode 08    
Episode 09           Episode 09   
Episode 10           Episode 10   
Episode 11           Episode 11   
Episode 12           Episode 12      
Episode 13           Episode 13
Episode 14           Episode 14            
Episode 15           Episode 15        
Episode 16           Episode 16
Episode 17           Episode 17
Episode 18           Episode 18
Episode 19           Episode 19
Episode 20           Episode 20
Episode 21           Episode 21   
Episode 22           Episode 22
Episode 23           Episode 23
Episode 24           Episode 24


Merlin is a British television series developed by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps. It began its broadcast on the channel BBC One on 20 September 2008. The series is based on the Arthurian legends of the mythical wizard Merlin and his relationship with Prince Arthur, but differs from traditional versions of the legend in many ways, especially the characters. It is produced by independent production company Shine Limited.

Season 1:            Season 2:            Season 3:
Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01
Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02    
Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03    
Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04  
Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05
Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06
Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07      
Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08  
Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09  
Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10
Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11 
Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12 
Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13

Dexter - S01E12 - Born Free

Doakes and LaGuerta begin to suspect that Rudy is the Ice Truck Killer, while Dexter finds a suspicious picture of the shipping container where his mother was killed. A call from her ex-husband makes Rita suspicious of Dexter and his behavior. Dexter finds Rudy at Dexter's childhood home and finds that Rudy, the alleged Ice Truck Killer, is in fact Dexter's biological brother, Brian Moser, who grew up in a mental institution. Brian intends to have Dexter kill Debra as a reunion with his true family, but Dexter stops him. As the police close in, Brian escapes and Dexter is left with Debra, appearing to have saved her. The same night, Brian breaks into Dexter's apartment and attempts to stab Debra, but Dexter captures him. After an emotionally charged conversation, Dexter slices his brother's throat and leaves him upside down to drain, staging it as a suicide, while wondering what would happen if everyone knew the truth about him.

Dexter - S01E11 - Truth Be Told

The Ice Truck Killer strikes again, leaving a real nightmare before Christmas at Santa's Cottage. Sergeant Doakes becomes more suspicious about Dexter after uncovering a series of Dexter's lies about his connection to the Ice Truck Killer. Dexter finally finds he is connected to the Ice Truck Killer over a past case involving Harry Morgan and a blood-bath crime scene in 1973 involving Dexter's biological mother. Lieutenant Maria LaGuerta braces herself as Captain Matthews blames her for the department's failure to find the Ice Truck Killer, and he has her replaced. Rudy and Debra spend some quality time together, and Rudy proposes marriage to the smitten detective. Rita decides to take her children, Astor and Cody, to visit Paul, who has been sent back to prison.


Heroes is an American science fiction fantasy television drama series created by Tim Kring. It premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006. The series tells the stories of ordinary people who discover superhuman abilities, and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives. The series emulates the aesthetic style and storytelling of American comic books, using short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. The series is produced by Tailwind Productions in association with Universal Media Studios, and it is filmed primarily in Los Angeles, California.

Season 1:            Season 2:            Season 3:            Season 4:
Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01       
Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02 
Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03 
Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04 
Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05    
Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06  
Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07  
Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08          
Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09       
Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10         
Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11            
Episode 12           (None)                 Episode 12           Episode 12
Episode 13           (None)                 Episode 13           Episode 13
Episode 14           (None)                 Episode 14           Episode 14
Episode 15           (None)                 Episode 15           Episode 15
Episode 16           (None)                 Episode 16           Episode 16
Episode 17           (None)                 Episode 17           Episode 17
Episode 18           (None)                 Episode 18           Episode 18
Episode 19           (None)                 Episode 19           (None)
Episode 20           (None)                 Episode 20           (None)
Episode 21           (None)                 Episode 21           (None)
Episode 22           (None)                 Episode 22           (None)
Episode 23           (None)                 Episode 23           (None)
(None)                  (None)                 Episode 24           (None)
(None)                  (None)                 Episode 25           (None)

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds is an American police procedural drama series that premiered September 22, 2005 on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) at Quantico, Virginia. Criminal Minds differs from many criminal system procedural dramas by focusing on the criminal rather than the crime itself. The show is produced by The Mark Gordon Company in association with CBS Television Studios and ABC Studios.

Season 1:            Season 2:            Season 3:            Season 4:            Season 5:            Season 6:
Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01
Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02
Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03
Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04
Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05
Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06
Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07
Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08
Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09
Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10
Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11
Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12
Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13
Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14
Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 18           Episode 15
Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 18           Episode 16
Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 18           Episode 17
Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18
Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19
Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20
Episode 21           Episode 21           (None)                  Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21
Episode 22           Episode 22           (None)                  Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22
(None)                  Episode 23           (None)                  Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23
(None)                  (None)                 (None)                   Episode 24           (None)                  (None)
(None)                  (None)                 (None)                   Episode 25           (None)                  (None)
(None)                  (None)                 (None)                   Episode 26           (None)                  (None) 


Chuck is an action-comedy-drama television program from the United States created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA; the message embeds the only remaining copy of the world's greatest spy secrets into Chuck's brain.

Season 1:            Season 2:            Season 3:
Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01
Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02    
Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03    
Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04  
Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05
Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06
Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07      
Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08  
Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09  
Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10
Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11 
Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12 
Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13    
(None)                  Episode 14           Episode 14        
(None)                  Episode 15           Episode 15  
(None)                  Episode 16           Episode 16
(None)                  Episode 17           Episode 17
(None)                  Episode 18           Episode 18
(None)                  Episode 19           Episode 19
(None)                  Episode 20           (None)
(None)                  Episode 21           (None)  
(None)                  Episode 22           (None)


South Park - S14E05 - 200

While on a school field trip to a fudge factory, Stan accidentally insults Tom Cruise again by calling him a "fudge packer". Cruise then recruits 200 other celebrities that have been ridiculed by the town of South Park to bring a class action lawsuit against the town. After being called to the principal's office, Stan returns to the factory with his dad try to apologize and convince Cruise to drop the suit. An angry Cruise agrees to do so, only if they can help Cruise meet Muhammad. This causes an uproar, as the townsfolk fear that forcing Muhammed to appear in public will drive Muslim radicals to bomb the town. As Stan and Kyle go to the Super Best Friends for aid, it is revealed that Cruise and the other celebrities only want Muhammad for his "goo", which will make them immune to ridicule.

South Park - S01E03 - Volcano

Stan's Uncle Jimbo and his friend Ned take Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and Cartman on a hunting trip in the mountains, but Stan is unable to shoot a living target. Back in town, geologist Randy Marsh discovers that the mountain is a volcano that is about to erupt, and the townsfolk dig a trench to try and divert the lava. Cartman tells the story of Scuzzlebutt, a mutant creature, and decides to dress up as the creature to scare the others. But in doing so, Cartman almost gets shot. The mountain erupts and the hunting group find themselves trapped. The real Scuzzlebutt then appears and carries the hunting party to safety. Stan then kills him to make Jimbo proud just like he was with Kenny as the lava is diverted onto Denver city.

Comming up soon!

South Park - S01E02 - Weight Gain 4000

A big event is planned for the arrival of Kathie Lee Gifford to South Park, who comes to present an award to Eric Cartman. While the children take part in a cruel reenactment of the colonization of America, Mr. Garrison plots to kill Kathie Lee for beating him in a childhood talent contest. Cartman is told by the Mayor to get in shape for the visit, prompting him to start using a bodybuilding supplement (Weight Gain 4000) that makes him grow fatter instead of stronger. Wendy simultaneously discovers that Cartman won the award by cheating and that Mr. Garrison intends to kill Kathie Lee. Mr Garrison is thwarted and is incarcerated in a mental hospital, while Cartman appears on Geraldo because of his obesity.

Comming soon!


24 is an American serial drama television series starring Kiefer Sutherland as federal agent Jack Bauer, produced for the Fox Network and syndicated worldwide. The show is presented in the semblance of real time, with each 24-episode season covering 24 hours in the life of Bauer. First broadcast on November 6, 2001, the show ran for 192 episodes over eight seasons, with the series finale broadcast on May 24, 2010. In addition, the television movie 24: Redemption was broadcast between seasons six and seven, while a feature film is also planned.

Season 1:            Season 2:            Season 3:            Season 4:            Season 5:            Season 6:
Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01           Episode 01
Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02           Episode 02
Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03           Episode 03
Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04           Episode 04
Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05           Episode 05
Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06           Episode 06
Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07           Episode 07
Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08           Episode 08
Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09           Episode 09
Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10           Episode 10
Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11           Episode 11
Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12           Episode 12
Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13           Episode 13
Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14           Episode 14
Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15           Episode 15
Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16           Episode 16
Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17           Episode 17
Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18           Episode 18
Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19           Episode 19
Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20           Episode 20
Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21           Episode 21 
Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22           Episode 22
Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23           Episode 23
Episode 24           Episode 24           Episode 24           Episode 24           Episode 24           Episode 24

Season 7:            Season 8:
Episode 01           Episode 01
Episode 02           Episode 02     
Episode 03           Episode 03     
Episode 04           Episode 04   
Episode 05           Episode 05
Episode 06           Episode 06  
Episode 07           Episode 07  
Episode 08           Episode 08   
Episode 09           Episode 09   
Episode 10           Episode 10  
Episode 11           Episode 11 
Episode 12           Episode 12    
Episode 13           Episode 13
Episode 14           Episode 14
Episode 15           Episode 15
Episode 16           Episode 16
Episode 17           Episode 17
Episode 18           Episode 18
Episode 19           Episode 19
Episode 20           Episode 20
Episode 21           Episode 21
Episode 22           Episode 22
Episode 23           Episode 23
Episode 24           Episode 24